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Save up to 50% on your traffic fines with Fines SA

Check if you have outstanding traffic fines + make payment quickly and efficiently

Step 1 of 2 – Personal Details


Within 48 hours you will receive a comprehensive quote from Fines SA, listing your outstanding fines, as well as several discounts available. Then it is simply a matter of paying those fines on the secure Fines SA platform. Finally, you will get a receipt from the relevant municipality for your records.

Fines SA will also keep you up to date monthly on any outstanding fines you may have. You can choose to opt in our out of these notifications.

By acting quickly and sorting out your traffic fines now with Fines SA, you can save up to 50%. Don’t miss out.

What happens if I don’t pay my traffic fines on time?

It’s one thing to be a little late in paying an outstanding traffic fine, but things can become a legal problem if you put off paying too long. If you don’t pay your fines or fail to appear in court to contest a traffic fine by the due date, a warrant for your arrest is issued automatically. To avoid any uncomfortable experiences at the next Metro Police roadblock, rather make a habit of checking for traffic fines online regularly with Fines SA.

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